
Tuesday, September 10, 2019

HCM367-0801B-01 The Health Care Organization - Phase 3 Discussion Essay

HCM367-0801B-01 The Health Care Organization - Phase 3 Discussion Board - Essay Example plans medical coverage reviews as well as the financial progress of Vitruvian Physician Partners (VPP) and Vitruvian Health (VH) which offers HMO-type of health plan services to millions of individuals who could not afford expensive health packages. Aside from being able to easily integrate the financial status of both companies, the creation of electronic medical records and claims adjudication as well as the monitoring of the patient’s appointment scheduling and claims processing will significantly improve the quality services we are delivering to the patients. As a result of implementing the improvements of the computer systems and infrastructure, internal pressure among the organizational members due to ‘resistance to change’ is most likely to occur. (Burke, 2002: Ch. 5, p. 92 – 94; Ch. 12, p. 259) In general, ‘resistance to change’ could happen when the employees perceive that the use of computer technology could threat their current position or authority within the organization. (Uris, 1964) In the case of Vitruvian, Inc., some of its old employees may be threatened due to the possibility that some of them are computer illiterate. Such fear could unconsciously create a lot of tension during the implementation process of the organizational change. It is normal for some of the health care professionals and managers to encounter resistance to change when implementing an organizational change. In line with this matter, Doc Vinny should be creative and resourceful enough to find a solution to the problem rather than to stop and take the organizational conflicts negatively. These two important traits could empower Doc Vinny in terms of solving the possible internal problems that may arise within the health care organization. Being in-charge of promoting the values of the technology age, Doc Vinny should be able to view ‘resistance to change’ as a challenge. Organizational culture is â€Å"a pattern of behavior developed by an organization to

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